Come and join Prof. Martyn Cobourne, the EOS 2025 Distinguished Teacher, in an interactive webinar lecture, titled:
"Starting earlier to make life easier? What does the evidence say about early interceptive treatment in orthodontics?"
The Distinguished Teacher lecture is intended primarily for postgraduate students. Due to high interest and demand, however, fully qualified orthodontists can register to attend this year.
This lecture will provide an update for the orthodontist on interceptive management of the developing occlusion from an evidence-based perspective. Prof. Cobourne will highlight the best available evidence and provide a context for its everyday use on the clinic. When there is good evidence – how should we use it?
1) Understanding common dental problems during tooth development and how they should be managed based on current evidence, distinguishing evidence-based approaches from anecdotal ones.
2) Management of transverse and sagittal discrepancies in growing children, questioning whether the current evidence provides robust guidance for orthodontists in treating skeletal discrepancies.
3) Increasing use of digital technology in the design, fabrication, and application of orthodontic appliances is transforming the management of skeletal problems, with a focus on how these advances influence treatment outcomes in interceptive orthodontics.
The webinar represents 3 hours of verifiable Continuing Professional Development (3 CPD points).
Friday 28 February 2025, 15:00-17:30 CET.
Recording available until 14 March on demand.
15:00 CET
Opening remarks
15:05 CET
Part 1
15:50 CET
15 minute break
16:05 CET
Part 2
17:00 - 17:30 CET
Questions and Answers
Martyn Cobourne is Professor and Academic Head of Orthodontics in the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences at King’s College London. He graduated in Dentistry from King’s College London in 1990 and undertook specialty training in orthodontics at King’s College Hospital from 1994-1997. From 1998-2002, he was a Medical Research Council Clinical Training Fellow at Guy’s Dental Hospital, working in Paul Sharpe’s laboratory and completing a PhD in developmental biology. He maintains a laboratory research group investigating molecular signalling pathways during early development of the head and face and has also carried out a number of randomised clinical trials investigating efficiency of orthodontic treatment interventions. He has published >200 original articles and is the author of four textbooks, including (with Andrew DiBiase) the popular Handbook of Orthodontics, recently published in a third edition.
Martyn has presented a number of prestigious lectures including the Charles Tomes Lecture at the Royal College of Surgeons of England (2015) and BOS Northcroft Memorial Lecture (2018) and Ballard Lecture (2020). His research has won the BOS Chapman Prize five times (between 2014-23) and in 2019, he won the BF and Helen E Dewel Award for the most outstanding clinical research article published in the AJODO. He has been a full member of the USA Angle Society (North Atlantic Division) since 20217 and is an elected member of the Board of Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, serving as Vice-Dean from 2020-22.Establishment of the permanent dentition takes over a decade in the developing child and during this time a number of local and skeletal problems can occur. These problems can be genetic, environmental or multifactorial in their aetiology and the orthodontist is often closely involved with their diagnosis and management. These two lectures will discuss interceptive treatment of malocclusion in the developing child. The first lecture will cover local problems, with the second lecture then focussing on transverse and sagittal skeletal discrepancies. The lectures will be illustrated with clinical cases, and management of these developmental problems will be discussed within the context of the existing evidence base. There will be strong emphasis on the quality of evidence and extensive discussion on how the evidence can help guide the busy orthodontist as part of their day-to-day management of developing malocclusion.
EOS Postgraduate Student/Trainee | £0.00 |
EOS Member | £36.00 |
Non-member | £108.00 |
Postgraduate Student/Trainee (Non-member) | £48.00 |